

The client


The brief

Creating my own business.

general infos
2020 - present


What is MoscarMakes?

MoscarMakes, or Moscar for short, was a rug business I started during the pandemic. Like many others, I was looking for a hobby to save me from the boredom caused by the lockdown.

How is it going?

Thanks to social media marketing, I was able to gain momentum fairly quickly with my business. I've had the opportunity to work with a variety of celebrities, companies, and had my work presented in several notable places, including the LA Times. Though I was in school at the time, I was able to generate over $20,000 in sales, garnered millions of views, and helped popularize the art of rug tufting.

What have I learned?

I learned that it takes a lot to be a business owner---From having to deal with clients, filming and editing my videos, running my social media pages, and creating new ideas. Though I loved making rugs, I decided that I wanted to use the foundation I built and simultaneously turn it into a freelance agency.

Let's wo      rk 
together !